Andre Rowe

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[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]ndré Rowe is a self-taught visual artist of photographic design. The early years of his career were accompanied by a Minolta camera to capture the beauty of nature prior to the dawn of digital photography. Since then he has become a frontrunner in the industry recognized via sponsorship by leading worldwide brand, Broncolor.

A zeal for sharing success among other like minds and students inspired his creation of the original Appleseed Studio in South Florida where he also directs photography workshops. Alongside perseverance he stands upon a foundation of thirty years as a seasoned professional encompassed by a dynamic body of work in the U.S. and abroad.

His altruistic quality connects with community organizations such as A Child Is Missing and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. He is a notable entrepreneur whose success is based solely on word- of-mouth, yet a humble character opens his pursuits with wisdom and opportunity abound.

See also
Phil Brideaux
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