Latest Better History News
5 Secret Societies That Influenced Global Revolutions
Secret societies have fascinated people for centuries. Groups like the Knights Templar…
7 Forgotten Explorers Who Were Ahead of Their Time
Discover remarkable Forgotten Explorers whose groundbreaking achievements shaped history but remained overlooked.…
7 Love Triangles That Changed the Course of History
Love triangles have greatly influenced world history. They have shaped politics, religion,…
The Most Scandalous Love Letters in History
History's most famous figures have shared their deepest feelings through letters. These…
When Animals Were Put on Trial: Medieval Justice for Pigs, Goats, and Beetles
Discover the bizarre history of medieval animal trials and uncover the surprising…
Most Notorious Women Spies in History: Their Stories Will Leave You Speechless!
Are you interested in history and espionage? Do you want to learn…
Who Was The Man in the Iron Mask?
Step into history's dimly lit corridors, where secrets and mysteries lurk in…