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Better Man
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Better Movies are presented by Justin Marroquin.

Man of Steel


[dropcap size=small]M[/dropcap]ovie goers will walk out of the theater feeling invigorated after watching Man of Steel. With an impressive array of actors such as Henry Cavill(Clark Kent/Superman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Michael Shannon (General Zod), Kevin Kostner (Jonathan Kent), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), and Russell Crowe (Jor-El). Man of Steel comes alive within the first five minutes, and will keep you engaged throughout the film. With a well written plot, and incredible acting, Man of Steel has also done something no other Superman film has done: feature intense action sequences. The battles that take place during this film are jaw dropping, and you will get a sense of the tough decisions Superman has to make in this film. Like any Superman film, there has to be a villain that combats Superman and pushes him to the limit, and Michael Shannon (General Zod) does a great job of playing the main villain. Another key element to the success of Man of Steel is Amy Adams (Lois Lane). Amy Adams breathes life into the character Lois Lane, and she has great rapport with Henry Cavill (Clark Kent/Superman). This film has something for everyone, and it’s incredibly hard to capture both story and action in a regular film, let alone a Superman film. But director Zack Snyder, has managed to accomplish both—and Man of Steel succeeds on those laurels alone.

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Release date: June 14, 2013 (USA)

See also
11 gorgeous movies to watch this fall

Director: Zack Snyder

Running Time: 143 minutes

MPAA rating: PG-13

Story by: Jerry Siegel, David S. Goyer, Joe Shuster, Christopher Nolan.

Starring: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Diane Lane, Russell Crowe




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The guy behind Better Magazine. He is cool and, sometimes, he is cloned. But in any circumstances he tries to be a Better Man.
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